Foresight Friday: Do What's Right, Not What's Easy

Foresight Friday: Do What's Right, Not What's Easy

Foresight Friday: Do What's Right, Not What's Easy

Divination Method: Supernatural Tarot 

Card Drawn: Strength 

Key Word: Inner Strength, Bravery, Control, Compassion

My Foresight Friday Interpretation: 

Well friends, it's Friday again and all I can say is: Oof! The hits just keep on coming, don't they? California is still battling wildfires, Hell - er, I mean  - much of the South has indeed frozen over, and the U.S. is being run by someone trying desperately to be the new despot on the world stage.

I'm struggling with my optimism right now, folks, but I'm still gonna keep doing my thing.

The Supernatural Tarot is still my deck of choice. 

The card that has presented itself to us this week is: Strength. 

The Strength card from the Supernatural Tarot.

If you recall, this same card came to us back in October as well. To refresh: Depicted on this card is Denny, the vampire that Dean not only encounters but forges strong bonds of friendship with, during his time in Purgatory. 

So, why has Denny come back to us? 

Besides the obvious answer, which is that this is a period of time in which we must remember to stay rooted in our strength in order to persevere; this is our reminder to do what is right even when it's difficult.

Denny's character is a great representation of this. He constantly struggles with his vampiric urges but he chooses the more difficult path of abstaining from feeding on humans. In addition, he doesn't leave Dean high and dry, even though that would certainly be easier for him. He puts himself on the line in order to help Dean on multiple occasions.

We are going to be faced with many challenges. Not just this week but for the foreseeable future.

It would undoubtedly feel easier to just opt out of participating or paying attention altogether. While there will certainly be a need to periodically tap out and take some self-care time, choosing to take the more difficult path of what is right is what is most needed.

Stay connected, friends. I'm a bit concerned about being censored on social media platforms in the future. If you enjoy or find value in my insights and other posts (long overdue book reviews are in the works) please consider subscribing to the blog via email (by way of the Big Green Button at the bottom of this and every post).

I'll see you all next week. In the meantime: Stay Strong, Stay Safe, & Do What's Right, Not What's Easy.

Until Next Time, Pixilators! 

Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust 

 ______ ☮💗🧚______

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