Foresight Friday: Don't Cheat Yourself, Treat Yourself!

Foresight Friday: Don't Cheat Yourself, Treat Yourself

Foresight Friday: Don't Cheat Yourself, Treat Yourself!

Divination Method: The Dark Crystal Tarot 

Card Drawn: 9 of Gems

Key Words: Luxury, Indulgence, Reward

My Foresight Friday Interpretation: 

IT'S THE LAST WEEK OF FEBRUARY!!!! And it's a frikken leap year, so, don't get confused when Thursday comes around and the calendar refuses to let it be March yet (This was more for myself, but hey, you might need it too).

Anywhoodles, let's get down to slinging cards...

The Dark Crystal Tarot is still the deck of the moment, and after a fairly quick shuffle, the card that has presented itself to us this week is: The 9 of Gems.

Depicted on this card are 9 faceted gems, gleaming in a variety of cuts & colors.

The 9 of Gems card from The Dark Crystal Tarot.

This is a card that exudes luxury and wealth. We've been working our buns off and we are seeing things come to fruition.

We have been victorious in our labors, and now is the time for us to spend a little time enjoying those proverbial spoils.

This is the time to enjoy all that we've achieved. Yes, saving for a rainy day is wise, but there's also wisdom in rewarding oneself for a job well done. There's no need to deprive or cheat ourselves out of a small indulgence. So, go ahead, get or do a little something special this week...and do it guilt free. 

After all, in the immortal words of Moira Rose: "There's nothing wrong with treating yourself, Dear."

Gif of Schitts Creek's Moira Rose saying "There's nothing wrong with treating yourself, Dear."

Until Next Time, Pixilators! 

Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust 

 ______ ☮💗🧚______

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