A Poem for The Summer Solstice: Longest Day, Shortest Night


A Poem for The Summer Solstice: Longest Day, Shortest Night

A Poem for The Summer Solstice: Longest Day, Shortest Night 

Today is Solstice Day!!! So, Happy Midsummer (or Litha, whatevs) and Solstice Blessings to each and every one of you!

This post, much like its counterpart for Winter Solstice, will be brief. I was apparently meant to have a poem for each Solstice, since upon waking this morning I was once again met by the muses.  They inspired me to write this poem in honor of the Summer Solstice. 


Longest Day, Shortest Night (by Shawna Weidenbach

Rejoice in the bright & cheerful warmth of this the Longest Day. 

Be merry and dance beneath the the Sun while honoring The Fae.

Drink Divine nectars and toast the Stars on this the Shortest Night.

For Winter's slow approach begins with the fading of the light. 


May the Summer Solstice bring you many blessings, much love, and boundless joy. 

Until Next Time, Pixilators!
Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust 

A Poem for The Summer Solstice: Longest Day, Shortest Night  by Shawna Weidenbach.


Keep The Pixie Caffeinated!