Blessed Beltane! Sing Your Soul Song & Do The Thing! #ForesightFriday

 Powerful Beltane Messages to Guide You in the Coming Week

Blessed Beltane! Let These Powerful Messages Guide You in the Coming Week!

Divination Method: The Secret Language of Animals Oracle Cards

Card(s) Drawn: Tree Frog & Gecko
Tree Frog & Gecko Have Messages for You!

Card 1: Tree Frog

Key Word(s): Soul Song, Meditation, Creation, Rebirth

“I am a guardian of Earth’s highest dreaming
I honor this role with my soul’s purest singing
I am awake and living my purpose with every breath.”

Card 2: Gecko

Key Word(s): Synchronicity, Optimism, Truth, Mobility

“I open myself to the magic of this moment
I listen to the call of light
I trust the inspiration that flows to me now
And follow it!”

My Interpretation:

I don’t know if I could have picked two more perfect cards for a Beltane reading if I tried! I mean, just LOOK AT THOSE AFFIRMATIONS!!! OK, let’s get to down to business…

Tree Frog is the Lord of Transformation, going from itty-bitty egg, to tadpole, to frog…and then, he takes an extra step beyond that of a “normal” frog, and ascends into the trees to sing his little heart out. He is adaptable to environmental changes as his skin will change color with the temperature, so that he may blend in with the changing landscape of the forest. He is the guardian of Earth and Water, which suggests a representation of Stability in the Emotional Realm.

So, what is he telling us? He’s telling us to take a minute to breathe, and go inward. Now is the time for us to ground ourselves and go deep within to rediscover our center. Once we’ve found it, we should sit with it for a while, and become reacquainted with its rhythms and the songs of our souls. The time for action spurred by inspiration will soon be upon us (as indicated by the appearance of Gecko), but we must first spend time in meditation…immersed in our soul songs, allowing the energies to build, and rise so that we may bring our deepest dreams to life.

Gecko is nocturnal, a being that lives largely in darkness, yet he is drawn to the light. In Hawaii, Gecko is seen as a living representative of their shape-shifting Lizard guardian spirits, the mo’o. It is believed that the mo'o can simply use the body of the gecko to manifest itself at any time. They are great protectors and pass on communications to the Gods, therefore Gecko is sacred.

When Gecko appears it is to bring us good fortune and blessings upon our journey. He lets us know it is safe to get a move on...and move towards the light.

So, after you chill with Tree Frog for a bit: ACT! Put your plans into motion, because the good mojo train is coming through, and you don’t want to miss the trip! It is time to trust your intuition, because that little inner voice that is nudging you to DO THE THING is a communication that Gecko has brought to you from Divine. Don’t let criticism - from others or yourself - cloud your perception. Trust in the signs, the synchronicities, the messages, and the magic. You have totally got this.

Have a tremendously Blessed Beltane, Everyone!

Beltane Blessings & Messages for the Coming Week

Until Next Time Pixilators!
Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust


Keep The Pixie Caffeinated!